Jennifer Gowasack-Fisher: Events Chair

Jennifer was born in Trinidad, West Indies, she has lived in Ohio, Atlanta, Boston and recently moved back to Atlanta.She received her BFA from CCAD and applied her visionary skills at TJX companies and Talbots. Her growth through working with internal and external teams building these brands earned her the title “MAMA”. She strongly feels this is the best representation of her life/leadership style, “a mother never lets her kids fail”. 

Jennifer is a breast cancer survivor, this “gift” enhanced her world to oncology angels, after her treatments she immediately sought to give back. As a patient advocate on the team to build the South Shore Cancer Center, her visual skills, experience from chemo and radiation treatments allowed her to bid for details to create a healing and calming patient experience.

Cancer reentered her life and this time she was the caregiver. She is humbled and honored to serve on the board for The Sacred Transition as this mission is so very relevant in all our lives.