Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The Sacred Transition provides resources and services with respect for human dignity beyond racial, cultural, sexual, religious, social, or other differences. We believe that everyone should receive equal access to our compassionate care services. We ensure our mission by building a diverse volunteer base, seeking diversity in our board, and partnering with other nonprofits and health care providers who support underrepresented or marginalized communities. 

Environment & Sustainability 

As we cultivate a community of compassion through supporting individuals impacted by cancer, we are conscious of our suppliers and partners and seek to embed climate consciousness in our partnerships and networks to limit our carbon footprint and create climate friendly options and actions as part of our mission. 

We partner with climate friendly suppliers who are minimizing their climate impact, responsibly sourcing materials and considerate on their shipping practices.  We are creating carbon offsets options in our care package shipping and working to deliver our care packages in the least carbon intensive ways.  We are committed to evaluating our procedures annually and measuring our impact for sustainable improvements.